Peace & Code

Hello, how are you? I hope you're doing well 😸 .

My name is Maximiliano Paz, but you can call me Mr. Paz. I am a programmer with experience in Backend, who recently (2022) started learning Frontend, which has captivated my interest and given me a general knowledge. I am able to digievolved into a full stack developer.

During this process, I managed to put together some interesting developments that I want to share in this blog. I hope I can maintain a consistent rhythm of posting every 2, 3, or 4 weeks, depending on how much I have to share.

My recipe for making a post is to develop something interesting, build a public git with the functionality, and finally put together the didactic material for the post. It's homemade food made with a lot of love 🥘.

Apart from being a programmer, I'm also a father. I have three cats (what noble creatures cats are). I had a rap adolescence and a poet pre-adulthood. I studied Computer Science for four years. Another passion of mine is Nonviolent Communication (NVC), from which I have learned a lot. If you are interested, I could dedicate some posts to it.

To contact me, you can write me an email ( or message me on Instagram. If you're interested in any technology, library, or tool, feel free to reach out and I'll do my best to learn and evaluate its potential.

🖖 Mr. Peace and Code.

Note: The image was generated with reace ai unboring, swapping out the face in the image with my own.